Athletics of To-Day for Women

59 and rilish r c rds w re bolh b at nand quailed. Mi s . E. rossley (Pictures 26 and rro to rrz), of the Middl ex lub, a comparatively newcomer to .first-clas competition, signalised her debut in championship competition by chipping seven s conds off the world's Half Mile vValk record of 4 mins. 13 secs. Miss L. Fawcett, L.O.A.C., with a throw of r6r ft. 4 ins., added 2~ ft. to the British record for Throwing the Javelin, and, incidentally, defeated the holder of the title by nearly 40 ft., whil the L.O.A. . team ( ~. . Haynes, E. \V. Edw rds, K. Kimb rly, and N. ~. allebout) won ack the 66o yards H. lay titl th y h lost a y ar arli r to the Manor P rk A.. , and equalled the championship r cord of I min. rg~ ecs. Upon the following day in Paris, at th Port Dor e tadium, I\111 . Radid au ( i ture 14), by running roo yard in rr} sec ., b at by } c. the world's r cor , which had stood in the nam s of Mlle. Mejzlikov II, z cho- lovakia, and Miss o e 'lhompson, r at ritain. Mm . g 1 made a new 500 metr s \ 'alking r cord of 2 min . 34~ ecs., and Mll . . Laloz equall d th world's 83 1netr s IIurdl s r cord of 13., secs. held by Mlle. Alauzo, ~r nee. On the aft rnoon of aturday, Augu t 7, 1926, Engli ·h girl athlet s h Id their .fir t lympic trials at Batters rk, London, and, taken "weight for ag ," o t sp ak, the r sult ornpar d ry favourably \ ith th m n's lympic Trial first h ld in England in r o ; rtainly t.h girl show d a va b tt r field v nts te hniqu than was displ yed by th ir m l forerunners of ight. en y ars arli r. Many good p rf rm ne s \Vere recor d, but th fm ·st f all w s th discus thr w of ro ft. 42 ins., \ ith \ hi h •I r n e ir h nough achie ed a n w worl 's r cord. The r ult ar gi n below in full: MET I:.S.-Ist Ileat: I, D. an.l n; :.:!, M.\ 'annop. I H. St se • ... nd Heat: I, . •. Thomp.;un; -· •. '. IIayn . In h s. St '·c·. l ·t .at: I, lia ·nes ; - · Thorn sun; 3, ' ~ yd. ; I ft. 8 · I YAHDS . Jst H eal : I, I . Thorn ·on; 2 .:\t. \ 'annop. Yd. I.:!} cc. '2'.d l1eat : I,l•. ' . .fl.t}TIU; ; '2, .l•.Ridglcy. 'J. 12: ~;L'S .