Athletics of To-Day for Women

HAPTER FIVE SECOND INTERNATIONAL LADIEs' GA IES, rgz IN rgzs, the Belgian Committee notified the F.S.F.I. of their inability to promote the Second International Ladi s' Game~ , which had been allotted to Brussels for rgz6. As briefly stated in the last chapter, Sweden came forward to fill the gap. That the candinavian country was able to undertake so onerous a task was in no small measure due to the enthu iasm and genius of Dr. Einar Lilie, President of the wedish Women's Athletic Association, who had, for long past, proved himself the keenest Swedish advocate of games for girls. r. Lilie at once called tog ther the committe f the wedi h Women's Athletic A ociation, and th main principl for the conduct of the am s to be h ld at Goth nburg were decided upon. It is inter ting to not that among the honorary members of the committ then form d w r Mme. Milliat, founder of the F . . F.I., Gen ral V. alck, who thirty y ars earlier had given Baron Pi rre d oub rtin such plendid h lp in reviving the anci nt lympic am s for mod rn u , and Mis Frida Hjertberg, d ught r of the .famou w di h-Am ric n coach, upon whose t aching so much of w d n' modern succe in athletics r sts. H.M. King Gustavu Ad lphus pre ented a cup for the winning nation, and H.R.H. the rown Prince of weden, who was Patron of th Gam , a cup for the winninfY Relay Team. The sub quent op r tions f the Ex cutive, Publicity, inan i 1, and Rec ption and Lodgm nt mmitt e w re char t ri d y th sam int llig nt thoroughn s whi h h d made th Fifth neral lym i d such a brilliant ucce at tockholm in r rz.