Athletics of To-Day for Women
64 Athletics of To-day for Women girls, two British, and one each from Japan, Czecho-Slovakia, and Sweden. Miss Thompson rose to a wond rful start, in which she gained a clear advantag of a yard, and seemed to be gradually increasing her lead in the fir t forty yards, while Hitomi, Haynes, and ychrova were holding their own with Radideau. At the half distance th French girl found a terrific burst of speed, shot clear of the ruck, and in five-and-twenty yards wa abr ast of the leader. Thompson responded, and inch by grudging inch the issue was fought out, Radideau snatching victory in the last strid , while Hitomi, Haync- , and Sychrova flashed past the judges two yards behind Thompson, but so dead in line that it must have been, indeed, a difficult usin ss to allot the placings. Rose Thomp on, although beaten by inches for premier place, had the sati faction of having, in her heat, returned the fastest time for the distance. The finish of this final is seen in Pictures 29 and 30. The Discus Throwing event cam next, and her Halinaa Konopacka, the Polic:h beauty, whom the British, B lgian, and French girl had m t a n1 nth arlier in russels, quickly demonstrat d that she was in a cla s by hers If. In Belgium h r best ffort had b en roughly 93~ ft. To that distance she a d d over 30ft. at Gothcnburg, and h r g nius for combining grace with strength and speed wa fine propaganda for one of the old t of all the lympic v nt , and one, moreover, which the ancient r k counte among th fin st of their rem dial x rcises. Konopa ka's wing wa m th, h r poise w 11-balanc d, h r turn fa t bul w ll contr ll d, and h r delivery, with f et firmly plant d, th v ry acm of forceful– nes . Her form at othen urg i e n in ictur I27 and I40. Hitomi, placed s cond in th final, and who e poi e is een in Pictures I3 and I39, xhibit d th am car an thorough– ne , whi h pok of long and as iduous training, as had charact ri d h r pr paration to comp t in th I o yard sprint, and, although sh ould n t g t within a d z n £ et of the olish girl, sh was far t o good f r th ' w cli h pair, \ h nt-thr w I r n ir h n ugh, f 1r at ritain (Pi tur I 5). Miss ir h nough's falling a\ ay t uncl r 5 f t was a
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