Athletics of To-Day for Women
Second International Ladies' Games, 1926 6 5 sad disappointment to hers lf and to the British t am. The former world's record, incidentally, was clipsed at the Slottsskogsvallen by Konopacka, 123 ft. 8 7 0 ins., Hitomi, 110ft. 3~ ins., and Elsa vensson, weden, 104ft. 3} ins. The other Swedish lady, Ruth vedberg, reached 102 ft. 11 ins. The High Jump final r solved itself into a desperate duel between Britain, sadly lacking the services of Phylli Green, and France. Miss Hatt (Picture 196) and Mll . Bonze (Picture 201) both went over the bar safely at 4 ft. 8 1 ins. In the jump-off Mile. onze, a taller and slimmer girl than Miss Hatt, increased her jump to 4 ft. 11 1 ins., but the English girl did not improve, while the jump-off for third place result d in r. Broman, weden, clearing 4 ft. 8l in . At that time, every one of th comp titor was u ing the old-fa hioned '' scissors" style, there b ing a preval nt impr s ion that it would be harmful to a girl to attempt to ma ter the hip-twist, which is an essential attribute of the '' turn and lay out " tyle. In the first heat of the 250 metr s, which followed the High Jump, Mile. Radideau set such a cracking pace to return34secs. that she compl t ly took the sting out of Mile. Chmisowska, of Latvia (Picture ), who return d 34 4 secs., and so went through to th final, in \ hich she wa unable to do h r elf justice, owing to her exertion in th liminating h at. The second heat saw Mis Edward ( ictur 75 and 76) giving a p rfect xhibition of sprint running, \ hich gr atly delighted the sp ctators, although she b at Mlle. Planche and deprived the wedish lady, Fr. Jacob son, of the right to figure in the final. In the third h at Kinuy Hitomi w s fore d to low r her colours to Vera Palmer. This v as a rather ridiculous affair, for both girls were w 11 clear of th ir n arest opponent, Mll . allemaers, B lgium, before the half distance wa reached, and yet, with two to qualify for the final, they raced ach other right through to the tap , almer r turning 34 1 3 s c . and Hitomi 35 secs. The ffort, howev r, seemed to tak mo t out of the Japan se woman, who had compet d alr ady in two vents. I• or the final, ounting from the in id of the track, th
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