Athletics of To-Day for Women

Second International Ladies' Games, 1926 67 evening. No hitch occurred to mar the proceeding , and again the spectators were given their due mead of thrills. The proceedings opened with the Shot Putting contest, and, although the wedish girl, vensson (Pictures r6r and r65), proved nearly a foot the best with her right hand effort of 34ft. rr} 7 ins., I onopacka (Picture r64) putting 34ft. 4~ in ., and Karlsson, Latvia, 34ft. r~ ins., all failed to beat 2 ft. with the left hand, whereas Vidlakova, zecho- lovakia, who won the cont st with a both hands aggrc.;ate of 64 ft. r-lcr ins., covered 33 ft. rr - 1 ins. with her be t hand and 30 ft. 2 ins. with the other. M. \\ ston, rcat ritain, placed sixth, howed splendid consistency by achieving 31 ft. 5 1 ~ in . with her be t hand and 29ft. 9z ins. with the other. Vidlakova, a strongly built little woman, n1ade full use of her exc llent physique and showed a marked degree of skill, but as a styli t the Latvian girl, Karl son, wa really delightful t watch. In the eliminating trials Kon packa had finished behind Karlsson and Svedb rg, weden, but in the final she produc d that remark– able ver ·e an joy £ the effort which is her own special possession, and, adding more than three f t to her previous best, improved her position from fifth to thir la c. The hot utting had be n f llow d with th do e and intelligent int r st which is charact ri tic of w di h sp ctators, who really under tand and appreciat good field events tech– nique ; but, all the amc, one could almo t f cl the littl thrill of anticipation, sen e the typical settling down of a content d crowd into its seats, as the competitors turned out f r the heats of the roo yard Hurdl s. Ahlstrand, weden, was unlucky t get way badly in the first heat (Pictures gr and gz), but Hilda H it, with her wide exp rience, made no mistak , and wa certainly first to ground over the initial flight, \i ith ychrova showing u daylight " ahead of Van a 1 n, elgium, and Lubecka, land, a they rose to the second fence. At the third fiight ychrova was clearly well out aft r Hatt, and over the fourth f nee, marking the half distance, sh caught th Engli h girl, and at th sixth was beginning to go ahead. The time ychrova r turned