Athletics of To-Day for Women
68 Athletics of To-day for Women for a win of a yard was 14~ secs., just a shade inside world's record. The second heat (Picture go) was one long thrill and ended in a big surprise, since no one expected to see the world's 83 metres Hurdles record hold r beaten. Laloz was quickest into her running, and, while \Vhite and the zech shot putter, Vidlakova, who produced un usp cted spe d and style, were holding each other, the Fr nch girl forged ahead. tave, of weden, like Ahlstrand in the previous heat, was outclassed. Coming over the last flight, Laloz, although White had drawn well up, seemed to have victory afe in hand, but the English "hope" produced an amazing burst of finishing speed to catch and pass Laloz a few yard before the tape was reached, and her time was 14~ sec . for an inches victory. It may well be imagined v ith what eagerness the spectators looked forward to the final ( icture 93). When the time came the ritish girl drew the two outside berths, White, on the extreme right, Van aelen next, then Vidlakova, Laloz, y hrova, and Hatt, on the far left. This time th finalists wer all o key up that the starter had the gr atest difficulty to get them steady, and, indeed, \ as fore d to call them back and warn them time after time, before he finally got them away to an even break. Once they were into their running, ychrova went ahead, but was never more than half a stride in front of Hatt ov r the first four fences. Then the Czecho- lovakian began to draw away, and meanwhile White was clear of the rest and coming up to Hatt. Going over the eighth hurdle, ychrova stumbled badly and almost came down, but had sufficient lead to recover herself and nsur h r victory, while White, again producing that wonderful fini hing speed, b at Hatt in the last few yards for s ond plac , just a she had b at n Laloz in th h at. ychrova quailed the world's record she had er ated in the heat. ut for that unf rtunate "peck" at the last fence she might have gone very close to even time. The Long Jump final followed directly after the final of the Hurdle , and pro i ed an xciting contest, of which a keen
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