Athletics of To-Day 1929

Preface lX of a conceited puppy. But I do hold that athletics is the fundamental basis of success in every other form of sport and is unparal1eled as a means of producing good health and physical cleverness. Again, I do not believe in the encouragement of one type of event at the expense of others. For this reason I have endeav– oured to inculcate a love of those field events which, in the past, have been so sadly neglected in England, but which are just beginning to come into their own, because people realize that their practice develops in man or boy patience, pains– taking perseverance, self-control-without which success cannot come-and the excellent physical attributes of balance, quickness, and a just sense of rhythm. These events will give a boy a strong, evenly-dev loped body, and they will not cause him to overstrain himself. Upon the question of training for boys, I hold very definite opinions. Boys of und r r6 years of age should only "play at athletics." A boy of 12 should not run further than a furlong, and a boy of under r6 should b limited to 440 yards, run as half a mile, and should not be allowed to use a shot weighing more than 8 lb. Between the ages of ro and r6 a boy should b attaining his physical str ngth and acquiring athletic technique. Eighteen is quit young nough for him to begin serious training, and then he should be overhauled by a doctor to see if he is fit to undertake the strain of athletic preparation. Boys, I believe, can stand any amount of athletic practice, up to the extent of their own enjoyment of the work. What brings about the breakdowns is too much and too early com– petition, from which mental excit m nt is in parable and upon which nervous exhaustion ensues. vertheless boys should be allowed a few competitions each year, with th r boys in their own class, to nabl them to get over the bugbear of stage fright while they ar young enough not to be seriously affected by it. A rational course of athletic exercises will go far to turn the weak boy into a strong young man, but if he wishes to profit