Athletics of To-Day 1929
The High Hurdles 147 hands are beyond the feet; at the same time press the head back, relax the back, and draw in the stomach. Force the body down to meet the thigh. Return to first position and repeat. Alternatively thrust forward the arm opposite to the stretched out leg, bend the opposite arm at the elbow, and draw back the elbow until the wrist is level with the hip as the body and the other arm go forward as shown in photograph. Exercise 2.-Vary the position shown in No. r by placing the fingers of the right hand on the point of the left shoulder (or vice versa) and bend the body sideways until the right elbow touches the ground in the region of the right knee. (Read " left " for " right " if the right leg is stretched out in front.) Exercise 3.- lace the heel of the usual leading leg on the top rail of a hurdle and repeat Exercise I; after allowing the chin to touch the knee of the front leg, raise the body back to an upright position and repeat. Exercise 4 (No. 5, Plate r8.)-Approach a fixed hurdle at a walk, throw the leading leg straight over. As you go forward grip the top rail of the hurdle with an over grip of the hands, lift the body from the ground and carry the rear leg over with the high knee-pick-up action and walk on, repeating at next and subsequent hurdles. Exercise 5 ( o. 6, Plate r8.)-Stand beside the hurdle with the lower leg of the limb near to it bent back at right angles to the thigh, side of leg resting on top rail of hurdle. Grasp the leg just ab ve the ankle and lift to loosen hip joint, but keep the body perf ctly upright. Exercise 6 ( o. 7, Plate r8.)-Balance on take-of£ foot, raise knee of usual leading leg, place arms r und shin, and squeeze thigh again t chest, at the same time rising on toes of grounded foot. K ep body upright. lea e leg and complete the for– ward stride. Repeat with the other leg. The number of tim s each xercise is repeated should be increased as the inevitable stiffn ss and soreness wear off. os. 8, 9 and ro show an admirable method of learning hurdle clearance. High jump standards are set up at either end of a swinging, or loose-topped, hurdle, and, to begin with,
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