Athletics of To-Day 1929

FOREWORD By LoRD BuRGHLEY Every one interested in athletics will greatly appreciate thi work of aptain Webster's. For years his name has been conn cted with athl tics, and he is one of the most enthusiastic follower of this sport that I know. He is eminently qualified to write on this subj et, as he has p rsonally seen in action all the I( super,-athletes who have run on this side of the Atlantic, and h has done much towards popularizing those comparatively new event , the discus and javelin, in this country. H is to b congratulat don the difficult task which he has accompli h d, f r h has su c eded in turning what, to the casual r der, i u ually a dull and complicated list oft chnical details n actual!y how to d the ev nts into a most readable and easily a imil t d form. And, although the experts will alway diff r in opinion ov r small points, Captain Webster h st red w 11 to the middle course, and the views he express s ar r presentative of the bulk of first-class athletic opinion. ut, b sides its constructive value, this book fills a long-felt ne d in th running world, for not only does it contain a hi tory of athletics in gen ral, but also most realistic accounts of the great races of the last thirty years, and champions, XV