Athletics of To-Day 1929

Athletics of To-day seemed that the English title of I88I was at his mercy, for Webster was definitely past his prime, and I doubt if many people had heard of the Yorkshire novice,]. W. Raby. Not– withstanding his lack of fame, the tall, thin Elland lad, after Merrill had walked Webster into disqualifying himself, tackled the American and had him so thoroughly worn down at five miles that Merrill was forced to retire soon afterwards. Raby, it is said, showed none of the track walker's mannerisms in action, but moved along exactly as if he was taking an ordinary fast walk along the road. The modern generation of speed walkers started, I fancy, with H. Curtis, Highgate Harriers, who was champion from I8go to I893. Curtis was noted for his upright carriage, fine free striding, and absolute fairness of action. In his first championship, at Birmingham, he broke three records, covering five miles in 37 mins. I7 secs., six miles in 44 mins. 37 secs., and seven miles in 52 mins. 28f secs. W. ]. Sturgess, Polytechnic Harriers, who won the English title of I902 in 52 mins. 49i secs., succeeded subsequently in breaking all records from one mile in 6 mins. 33i secs. to seven miles in 5I mins. 27 secs., ten miles in I hour 17 mins. 32! secs., and thirteen miles in I hour 42 mins. 59! secs. Th n came the great days of the Britishers, G. E. Larner and E. J. Webb, and the beginnings of G. Goulding, of anada, the Dominions at that time being very strong in walking. Larner was born at Langley in Buckinghamshire in I875, but did not take up athletics until he was twenty-eight years of age. In his second season, I904, he won the A.A.A. 2 and 7 miles titles. In the following year he retained both and established world's records from I to 8 miles, of which only that for 7 miles has since been broken. Finding that police duties at Brighton interfered with his training, he retired from the track at the end of I905 ; but, fortunately, was persuaded and obtained permission to train for the Olympic Games in Igo8. At the ames, Larner and W bb were in a class by them– selves and finished first and second in the 3,500 metres and IO miles walks, both newly instituted events. Lamer at the