Athletics of To-Day 1929

The High Jump 197 study your footwork closely. Each style calls for an approach run of 36 to 40 feet ; do not be satisfied to guess your run, but measure it with a tape from take-off straight back to starting point. If you do this and also set out the proper angle of your approach you will have gone a longway towards achieving success. You must of course adju t the starting point, length of run, number of strid , and position of take-off to meet your own ea e, but stick to the angle of approach and distance of take-off giv n in the diagram as dos ly as possibl . 16' Sand Pit- 14' Run of /Ofo 12Ytis. SWEENY STYLE TJwt.e Standard llpproach Runs FJG. 13 Curved nm for ()osu fal<t. elf tt Western Roll" Style.- w lo kat th diagratn in ~ig. 14. The parall logram ABC repr nt th tak -off an landing zon . E is the exact distance at which you tak -off from a point at right angles to th bar and immediat ly b n ath it. 0 born's p int E was 3.. fi. from point R. ot that his left foot was partly pointed towards the bar, and that he got right down on to the 1 ft h 1 for bis take- ff. Th lin EP indicates the direction of th right leg kick, lightly outwards, foot towards the middle of the bar, point M, to s pointing straight upwards.