Athletics of To-Day 1929

200 Athletics of To-day In Fig. IS the parallelogram ABCD represents the zone of take– off and landing. G is the point of left foot take-off and E the position of left foot landing. Note that the left foot points along the line GH in the take-off position so that it is at an angle of 45° to the bar, but in landing at E is pointing along the line EF, thus finishing up at right angles to the bar-two different angles of foot placement from those employed in the u Western Roll" style (see Fig. 14). GK represents the ver- Sand Pit ~r- ------- --------..,o I Ltfl' fool' e." landing I \ I \ I \ I \ Front of Pit.... HI' ' 1 it< I ', \ I ' ' I I ' \ : I ',\ I I ',\ I I I FL ______ '±JG ~',!.~: eL-------------- ---~c Q 'i ~ FJG, I.5. s. EASTERN CUT-OFF STYLE tical distance from take-off to line of bar, and EH vertical distance from landing to bar line. 1 is th triangl of total effort and E the distanc cov red from tak -o £ to landing, approximat ly 8 ft. The closer th p rpendi ular E' can b brought t th p rp ndicular K th b tt r \ ill b the jump p rf rm , sine th mor q 1ickly and corn 1 t ly the pivotal action abov the b r is p rf rm d ( e Pictur 7, lat .l6- . Landon, . .A.) the furth r will th 1 ft-foot landing, , move in th direction of the 1 ft-foot t, kc-off perpendicular K.