Athletics of To-Day 1929
The Long Jump '205 pionships, however, 20 ft. was never reached from I866 until I87I, when E. ]. Davis, C.U.A.C., tied with R. ]. C. Mitchell, Manchester A.C., at 20 ft. 4 ins. This is the same Mitchell who acquired championships also in the pole vault, high jump and shot put. The following year Davis, a small, lightly-built athlete, startled the athletic world with a leap of 22 ft. 7 ins., but in I874 was beaten at the Irish ivil Service Sports by ]. Lane, who stood 5 ft. 8 ins., and weighed II stone I lb., who established a new world's record of 23 it. I! ins. The American Championships started in I 76, I. Frazier winning the ational title at I7 ft. 4 ins., and H. L. Willoughby, Pennsylvania, the Inter-Collegiate, at I8 ft. 3i ins. In I8go A. F. Copland, Manhattan A.C., added a quarter-inch to Lane's world's record with his American Championship leap, and in I893 C. S. Reber, Pastime A.C., became U.S.A. hampion at 23 ft. 4t ins., while Charles Fry, the famous Oxford all-round sportsman, who had raised the world's r cord to 23 ft. 5 ins. in the previous year, now took it up to 23 ft. 6 ~ ins. Long jumping performances were now improving very fast, through the introduction of the wood take-off board, the Scotch and Irish lement b ing mainly predominant in Great Britain. In I897 the late W. ]. M. N wburn, Ir land, won the A.A.A. titl and add d half an inch to ~ry' r c rd and later beat 24 ft. He was a veritabl giant f a man, v ll ov r 6 ft. 3 ins., and heavy in prop rtion. Hi phy iqu may b judged by the fact that fifteen y r lat r he won th Irish 56 lb. ' ight slinging champi n hip. It i int r sting t n te that 24 ft. was n v r reach d in th Engli h hampi nships until I928, in whi h y ar H. d oer, Holland, cl ar d 24 ft. 2 in . • At the Am rican hampionships I92 , ol utl r 1 ared 24 ft. 8 in ., Ed. ourdin doing 23 ft. 7: in . th n xt y ar, inc when . d Hart Hubbard h s r mained hampi n, never clearing less than 24 ft. and three ti1nes beating 25 ft. All three are short, sturdily-built negroes.
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