Athletics of To-Day 1929

1. r. 1\utf, n-rtir;tllift. tJ ft. .!\"ut lift. ,. Tlm J> LE V\ LT. 'on1.1r, t h·arin~ 13 ft. ui 111.; v rli al lift jut beginning. ::!. I lull ... Jum" fiui ...h of 3· lloll dt·mothlralt•· pol<- r'lra 11ith tl, t lay-out. 4· u B:~rnt·, '.S.A., vaullin lult·w.ty. whip nf 1 olt', l.l.IIOincr•d n·ka 1 .uv\ldt-hand llithdr.t\1\tlt .t hni h pi n·rtic-al