Athletics of To-Day 1929

Athletics of To-day Quite 95°/ 0 of actual vaulting practice should be done for style at such heights as one can be certain of clearing. On the other hand, it is necessary to get accustomed to tackling extreme heights, so full trial jumping may be undertaken once a week, preferably on Saturdays. TRAINING Train with the sprinters for approach speed, with the long jumpers for even striding and take-off, build up the muscles of the back, shoulders, sid s and abdomen in the gymnasium at first, and, for the sake of keeping these muscles fit, do plenty of javelin and discus throwing, and, if the implements are not too heavy for you, tackle the shot put and hammer as well. High and low hurdling, and high and long jumping are also good for the legs, while the hop, step, and jump will help you to develop leg swing with accurate timing. High Jumping should be done in the tt Eastern ut-off'' style (see hapter XV). Wh n you have reached competition form it will be enough training for you to practise sprinting with the pole and a few easy vaults for styl on :Monday. Trot a half speed 300 yards and practise half a dozen sprints with the pole, without any vaulting, on Tu sday. On Wednesday vault at n arly your top h ight without being bothered with any anxiety about wh ther you clear it or not. Your obj et should be form and the correction of any known faults in your style. Just a light run to keep everything loo e is enough for Thursday. Friday is a rest day, and aturday you should try for a comp tition. Failing that, frmn up a serious vaulting trial, and, whether any one is working with you or not, allow the same amount of time to pass betw n att mpts as you would expect to elapse in comp tition. ody building, tretching, balancing, and suppling exerci es hould form part of th training programme right through the y ar. L arn tumbling and acrobatic tricks.