Athletics of To-Day 1929
Athletics of To-day foot is at Lz and the right foot at Rz. This is shown also in the u Scandinavian Orthodox style" (Fig. 31). In the next movement, which is the transition to the throw– ing position, the body drops back with right knee well bent, the left arm is raised in balance, the right hand lifts the whole javelin shaft, and the left leg swings forwards. If the left leg is raised a little, in time with the lifting of the javelin, so much the better. (See Picture No. 2, Plate 39, of Bela Szepes, Hungary, 5 ~"9 .,,,,. Sharl fint L.• :~ .. -. • : • • • (l) SCANOINAVIAN STYLE LtU~Irof COnh-oll~d spce d L, • • • • . • • . • .... • • l1 L -1- :l ----+ .tud:lt line IIJ"r:,~t:r.:: Rl u"-~ • ---+ • • RI Rl • l) ~- - - - - - - - fS' o•- - - - - - - - - +- - - IS'O'- • - -'! (n)AMEI'ICAN STY\.t:- Hop 1t tron in front w&th lcH 14!9 l j • • • • 11- - ------•s o·-------- ----IS·o·---• (S)AMEI\ICAH STYLt:- R19ht ~9 behind ltft, aoss Step FtG. 29. former British record holder.) Just before the left foot is stamped hard down at L3 the shoulders prepare for a very strong twisting movement from right to left, and the right hand is turned back on the wrist to bring it to a palm upwards position, which, with the bending back of the right arm at the shoulder and elbow, brings the javelin shaft level with the head and directly over the shoulder. The bending back action is beautifully demonstrated by the German champion, B.
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