Athletics of To-Day 1929

Athletics of To-day 120 yards Hurdles, T. Milvain, C.U.A.C., I7f secs. 7 miles Walk, J. G. Chambers, C.U.A.C., 59 mins. 32 secs. Long Jump, R. Fitzherbert, C.U.A.C., rg ft. 8 ins. High Jump, T. G. Little, C.U.A.C. and J. H . T. Roupell, C.U.A.C., 5 ft . 9 ins. Pole Vault, J. Wheeler, City A.M.A.C., ro ft. Shot Put,* C. Fraser, London, 34ft. ro ins. Hammer Throw, R . J. James, C.U.A.C., 78ft. 5 ins. It will be observed that of the twelve events nine were won by University athletes, and it may be further remarked that the Championships were decided almost immediately after the Inter-University Sports Meeting, and, th r fore, at a period of the year which, it is g nerally agreed, is n t the most suitable for the holding of athletic meetings, and when, moreover, the University men would be far more likely to be in condition than the general run of athletes, whos business occupations kept them confined to offices all day, while the hortncss of the evenings would afford th m but little opportunity for training. This state of things caused, no doubt, a good d al of com– ment and discussion, and it soon became appar nt that the A.A. ., who in r868 opened a splendid athl tic ground for amateurs at Lillie Bridge, was designed to fill the same position in the world of athletics as does the M. . . in crick t or the Leander Club in rowing. Once this position was und r tood, the non-University athletes b gan to rally to th L.A.C., and the A.A. . ceased soon to promote any m etings other than the Annual English hampionships. That there was discont nt among the non-Univ r ity and working class athletes is clear from the writing ~ and r p rt of the period, but the English ar notoriou ly low to tak action for the overthrow of established institutions, and so for thirteen years the A.A.C., although an obviou ly caying body, unwilling to move with the times, continued to maintain its sway. One fruitful sourc of grievance lay in the fact that the Amateur owing A sociation's d finition of an amateur • Weight of Shot was 18 lb. xo ozs. inst ad of x6 lb.