Athletics of To-Day 1929

J>L. 11] Tlfl~ \\'L ~ . TII!. ] .\YELl~. 1. Emo Pt•nltila, Finland, \\'oriel'-. Rrcortl hokkr, 22() ft. J 3-::oth in. 2. Bl'la Sz JW<:, Hungary, runm r·UJl at lymp1c Gam ·~.rep·, 21 1 ft. I m. 3· Lord BurghIn, Gr\'at Britain, . howinl( undt·r· am1 carriage of Jav<"hn. 1· K. ~urniyoshi, .].\pam·-;r RPcord holclt•r, throwwg ::o:: ft. for \\';ht•da 'nivcor it} t'.• \chillc~ 'lull. J li~ · br •a king badly to tlw left. ~.."