Athletics of To-Day 1929
PL. 45] TIIR WI. THE Dl r. lvron·~ Di cobolus, on which wa..: founded th morlem \.reek tyl of throwin . 2. D. I.JIIi~, Canarln, brg"inning ot turn tFre :tvlcl. ViPwPtl from n'-'IH front he apprar..: 111 thP attltur!P of l\lyron's statu • 3· 1\l :->ht'ndan, U.S.'\ , lvmp•c :md World'" Rt>cor·l hol•lt·r, <h \\iug the ·tarting" po.;ition. 4· r. Shcridan, U.S.A., about to m< k' the throw.
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