Athletics of To-Day 1929

Throwing the Hammer 319 on one day only; on the other days throw for style. Increase to six, and then to ten, and fmallyto twelve throws for distance on the day of the weekly try out, but take a tl complete" rest of three to five minutes between each throw. On the other training days work for perfection in turning at a speed that increases with each turn. Work for height in hammer flight and perfection of delivery. Above all, work to master the event so that all your evolutions are rapid, but none of them is hurried. When you are in competition trim, throw from six to a dozen times Monday, and again Tuesday, lightly to correct any faults in style or to improve technique. Wednesday, from six to a dozen throws for distance. Thursday, do your sprinting or jogging. If the weather is bad work in the gymnasium at stretching exercises to keep your muscles supple. Friday, rest. Saturday get a competition if you can. Failing that, stage a trial with another hammer thrower. Go out together and do the thing properly. Limber up, take one or two light throws to stretch yourselves, then have six competition throws, with a three minutes interval between each, and put on your sw ater and track trousers while you are waiting for your next turn to throw. Detailed suggestions for building up the technique are as follows: Practise the preliminary swings and the standing throw first. When swinging sway the body and shift the weight from foot to foot, the weight being always away from the hammer. Keep on watching the hammer-head. If your eyes follow it all the time, except, of course, when it is behind the head, you will find that your body conforms quickly and loosely to the rhythm and disposes its w ight naturally to resist the pull. It is of no use to practise the turns without a hammer. Commence the turning practice with a rzlb. hammer. Begin with one turn and a light throw. Then incr ase the strength of the throw. When it is time to add the sec nd turn, spin rapidly on the ball of the left foot, stamp the right foot down, and drop the left foot a step backwards in a line with the right foot ;