Athletics of To-Day 1929

320 Athletics of To-day repeat the evolution when the left foot has been withdrawn for the second time. It takes a long time and a lot of patience to get the knack of turning and throwing, but once it is mastered it is like riding a bicycle or swimming; you never lose it again. In spinning on the left foot try to transfer the spin from the heel to the ball when the foot has made a half revolution and is pointing in the direction of the throw. Train always in a 7 ft. circle and have a go degree sector marked out on the ground, because the rules require that the hammer shall fall within the limits of such a sector in com– petition. Divide the circle with two lines drawn at right angles and bisecting each other at the centre. The rules require the hammer thrower to leave the circle by the back half after making his throw, and the line that divides it in half from front to rear is one of direction for your own convenience, so that you may watch your foot-work and learn to turn in a straight path from rear to front of the circle, the feet landing on either side of the direction line at the conclusion of each turn.