Athletics of To-Day 1929
PL. 57 J TIIHOv\'1 <;port a11tl Gc11aal. lX 3 2 0 IIA:\1. lEH THE Tl RN (cont.).-IJ. . E. Fla.·man, turning .on the outlr <;Jdc of the foot with the hammrr· h •ad at it high point. I I· L . ok s, compl•lmg lh • ground turn by drawing back lht• trft foot whrn the hammrr-head is at its low point. xs. 1. C ok ·, ompleting lhe final turn and r •a hing the throwillA lane with hammer well out to the ril(ht. x6. A. E. Flaxman. Th r •vct"e· the body i · now facing thr die tion of hammer flight. Thi~ lm•aking-up movement follows th'· d •livery shown in F1g. 15 (pag · JI7)-
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