Athletics of To-Day 1929
Some Points in Athletic Science 355 The study of action photographs must be very carefully undertaken, for the special reason that press photographers have an unfortunate fondness for placing the camera in a position when taking the photograph which will make it appear that the athlete is jumping a great deal higher than is in reality the case. But action pictures taken on a level with the centre of gravity of the performer are really instructive. It is to the cinematograph, however, and particularly to pictures taken at high speeds and projected slowly, so that each action can be carefully studied, that we must turn for our " dumb instructor " in the final issue. The reader, no doubt, will find many points in this chapter that are instructive, but I admit frankly that it is written in a provocative spirit, in the hope that it may stimulate in the minds of many sportsmen a keener interest in the scientific side of the particular event they practise.
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