Athletics of To-Day 1929

Athletics of To-day Cartwright, G., 130 Casey, L., 222 Casting the Barre, 2 CastJeham, Lord, 3 Cator, S., 207, 208 Chambers, J. G., 176, 177 Chapman, f., 46 Chappell, 169 Charles II, 3 Charterhouse, 10 Cheltenham College, 9 Chinnery, W. M., 10, n, 92, 169 Christ hurch Coli., Ox., g, 12 Christiemsson, C., 137, 138, 143, 153 Civil Service A.A.A., 12. Clapp, R. G., 228, 230 Clark, II7 Coe, W. W., 326, 339, 340. Pl. 6o Cohen, H. J., zoB Colbeck, E. J., n, 56, 57, 59, 6x, 63, 204 Collier, J., 139 Colmor , T. M., 43 Compleat Gentleman, 298 Coonolly, J. B., 219 Cook, E. T., 231 Cook, L. A. B., I7I Cook, M., 107 Cook, Sir Theodore, n6 Copland, A. F., 151, 205 Cornell, Univ. of, 39, 175 Cornish L., 64 Cornwailis, K., 68 Corson, J., 286 Corts, 49 Cotterell, Corporal, 99 Counti Athl tic Union, forma– tion of, 23, 172 County Athletic Associations, 22, 23 County Championships, 22, 23, xo8 Couriers, 126 Courbertin, Baron Pierre de, 25, 26, 35 Cowburn, R. E., 175 Cowic, J. M., 45 Craig, R. C., 48 Cregan, J. F., 175 Cr min, D. P., 255 Crick Run founded, 7, 91, 164, 167, 169 Croome, A. C. f., 133, 134, 228 Country, N. of 1:hames Champion hip, 8.~ Crossland, G., 93, 120 Cro man, 0. ., 235 rouch Start, 41, 49, so, 51 Croydon, Butcher of, 3, 4 Cuchulain, 298 Cub I, F. J., 155 Cummin ·, W., 79, So, 183 Curtis, 11., x7S Daft, C. F., 133 Dale, Frithof, 232 Dalrymplc, J., 258, 259, 273 niel, A. W. T., 132 D ranyi, J., 331, 338. Pl. 61 Daxbysbir , S. B., 43 Darius, 115 David, King, 253 Davis, E. J., 205 Davis, W. C., 127 Davenport, H., 16 Davenport, I. N., 6o Day, W. D., 175 Decathlon, 57 Degland, R., 259 Dcsborough, Lord, II7. Pl. 4 Dcsmarteau, 27 D pard, L. F. E., 187 Dineen, 1. D., 219, 220 Dioni , Donald, 184 Discobolus, 27S, 279. Pl. 45 Dole, M., 230 Donovan, T. M., 25 Dorando, P., 5, n6, II7, nS, ng, 12J. Pl. 15 Douglas, J. II., 16 DO\\-'SOD, c. s., 18o oyle, ir A. Conan, 282 Droegmuller, W., 234, 243 Duffey, A. F., 46, 47 Duhour, E., 331 Duncan, J. H., 282, 283, 284 Dunckn r, V., 137 Durham niv rsity 9 Dyas, G., 140, 141 Dye, L., 139 Eardley-Wilmot, Captain, 7 Ea t rn Cut-Off style, 194, 196, 199, 201. Pl. 25, 26 Eastlcy, T. C., 64 Eaton, W. F., 204 Edward VII, 29 Edward, H. F.V., 48, 52, 53, 347. Pl. 6 Edward III, 2, 321, 323 Edward , P., 73, 74 Edward , W. A. t., 171 Egri, K., 285, zS6 El Quali, A., 121, 122, 123, 126 EUi , ., SQ. Pl. 11, I4 Emmanu 1 Coil g , ambridgc, 9 Em ley, 133 nglehardt, H., 73, 74 En k, • C., 72 ngli h A. .A. Championships, foundation of, 2, n, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 42; first for igner captur tiU , 43 ; youngest champion, 44 ; first lack man to win, 45 : first javelin champion hip, 254, first discus hampion hip, 282 •rik n, V., 235 Eton Coil ge, 7 ; por in tituted by, 8, 9 ; produc ph nomenal hoolboy atbJ te, 43, 132; st pi chase, 167 •uslac , E. A., 255 Evcnson, ., 2 I Exet oUt e, Oxford, 7 Eyles, Corp. R. F., 259 F c lli, L., 154. 155 •airs and v k , dying out, 4 Faust, G. P., 248 Feoner' Ground, 141 Fernando, Altimani, 179 Ferris, Corp. S., ji21, 122, 123, 124. Pl. I5 Fisher, P ., 259 Fitcb, H. M., 62 Fitzherbert, 59 Flack, 27 Flanagan, John, 300, 301, 303, 309, 310, 312. Pl. 54 Flaxman, A. E., 255,282, 28g,zgo, 299. 302, 303, 304, 305, 309• 310, 3II 1 312, 313, 316, 317. Pl. 47, 48, 53, 54, ss, s6, 57 Ford, H., 286 Forshaw, n8 Foss, Frank, 232, 233. Pl. 32 Fowlcr-Dixon, J. E., I28, x3o, 163. Pl. 12 •ranklin Field, Philadelphia, no. Pl. 62 " Freak " match , 96 Fraser, C., 322 Frazier, I., 205 Fr ud , 174 Frigerio, Ugo, 1So Fry, C. B., 25, 205 Fyf!e, A. H., 254 Gaby, F. R., 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 14S. Pl. 20 Gach , H. C., 333 Gainsford A. C., 84 Gallio, z Games, Olympic (see Olympic) Games, ortb m, x, 253 Gam , Tail tin, I, 21, 253, 298, 32I Gardin r, N. E. orman, 278 Garoett, R. ., 91, 161 Garni r, E. S., 133 Garr tt, R. ., 21!1 G elin, 27 G ntl m n of IIarup ·t ad, 169 G rgantas, ., 280, 324 G rg , A. B., 16 2 Georg , J. P., 46 47 Georg , W. G., x6 , sS, 68, 79, So, 81, 92, 93, 101, 102, 170. J'l. 12 G1bb, Jam ·, 92 ibson, johnny, 154, 155, 156, 158. Pl. 21 Giffin, 1. II., 2Sx Gifiord, J. ll., 96 Gilbert, A. C., 231 Gill, 192 Gillis, Duncan, 302. Pl. 45 illis, S. P., 301, 302 i ham, C. v ., ug, 123 Glaz brook, I. G., 185, x86 Glover, n., g8, Io.~. 231 Gold, 241 Good r, F., 231. Pl. 32 Gooch, F. H., 204 oodbody, F. W., zoS oodwin, G. R., x8o, x8x Gordon, C. . S., 195, 196 Goulding, 27 Goulding, G. H., 178, 179 Gourdin, ·., 205, 206 Gr c , W. G., 204 Graham, G., 233 Grahnm, H. E., 68 Grant- sher, A. G., 204 Grant, A., 96 Gravcley, J. G., 229