Athletics of To-Day 1929
---- - - - -- - Athletics of To-dav Lelgb-Wood, R., II3. Pl. 8, I-4 Leinster, Book of, I, 298, 32I Lemming, E., 253, 2.54, 2.55, 256, 2.57, 265. Pl. 38, 39 Lewden, P ., I92, I94, 20I, 202. Pl. 26 Liddell, Eric, 34, 59, 6I, 62, 63. Pl. 7 Lieb, T., 284. Pl. so Liettu, P., 26o Lillie Bridge, I4, IS, I6, So, 92, IBS, I86 Lillywhites, Messrs., 257 Lincoln College, Oxford, 9 Lincoln, J. C., 258 Lind, C., 302 Lindh, c. l:.t 306, 3I4 Lindblom, 1.x., 220 Lindstrom, "Gunnar," 257, 2.58, 259. 273 Ling, Per Henrik, 2I, 2.53 Lippincott D., 48 Little, T. G., 185 Lively, C. E., 221 Liversedge, 330 Livingstone-Learmonth, T. C., I.54o 1.55, 156, 1.57, 16.5, t66. Pl. 21, 22 Uoyd, E. W., 129, 130 Locke, Roland, 49 Lockton, C. L., 17, I8, «, I33, xsr, 204, 208. Pl. I Lomax, H. C., 44, 4.5 London Athletic Club, 7, Io, 12, 13, 14, 1.5, I6, 24, 25, 29, JO, 42, 48, 79. 92 London, J. E., 31, 49, .54. Pl. 2 Long, Maxey, 46, .58, 63 Long, M. W., to6 Long Pen Pole, 91 Longboat, Tom, n7, II9 Loomis, F. F., I53 Lord, Fred, n6, 120, I23 Lotinga Cup, 48, 49 Loues, ns Loukola, T. A., 89, too, 163 Lowe, D. G. A., 34, 3.5, 59, 6o, 64, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 84. Pl. •• 9· IO, IJ Lindberg, E. F. I.;6o Lucas, 204 Lugnasad, t, 2I Lundqvist, E. H., 2bo LutyensJ_W. E., 79 Lyons, H. S., to6 Macaulayf R. H., 17, 18 MacDona d, P., 327, 329, 332 Machell, Capt., 8 Macintosh, C. E., 208 Macintosh, J. D., 325 Mack, J. ]., 193 Macmaster, C. C., t8o Macmillan, D., 59 Magrane, 304 Mandel, C. s., I.5I Mang, J., 307 Manhattan A.C., 24 Marathon Race, Olympic, I908, s; descriptionof original Marathon Race, ns; first mod m Marathon, 115 ; pidemic of, II9 ; standard course, 121 Martellien, M. B., 122, 123 Martin, A. J., 333 Martin, E. Pl. 9 Martin, P., 71, 72 Martin, Seraphin, 72,73, 74. Pl. to Marvalits, K., 285, 286, 288, 291. Pl. 46, 49 Mason, C. H., 30 Mason, C. H., 93 Mason, Major, 4 Matches, Pedestrian, 3, 4, .5 -- Amateur, 6 Matthewman, T. Pl. 7 Matthews, W., 6 l\1axwell, R., 155 McArthur, K. K, II9, 123 M.C.C., 14 McDonald, T. G., 220 McGinnes, C., 235, 243 McGrath, Matt, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307, 315, 324. Pl. 55 Mcivor, C. C., 19 McKinnon, D. J., 323, 324 McLeod-Wright, D., 121, 123 McManus, W., 220 McNichol, G., 227 Meanix, W. H., 152 Menard, C., 194 Merchant, Jack, 307 Merchant Taylors• School, Io, « Meredith, J. E., 5, 59, 6o, 61, 6), M~ill. 0 E~ 1 E., 177, 178 Merton College, Oxford. 9 MetcaU, ]., 6 Michod, C.]., 161 Midland Counties A.A.A., 17 Milligan, W. R., to8, no Mills, J. c., 121, 122, 123 Milvain, T., 132 Mincing Lane A.C., n, 12 Mitchell, G. T., 284 Mitchell, J. S., 300, 324 Mitchell, R. J. C., 185, 205, 227 228, 322, 323 Moir, Dr. Ed., 31 MollJ G. M., 195, 288, 291, 297· p,_ 47. 48, so Moll, J. S., 208 Moneypenny, C. J. B., 59 Monk, Wal., 99 Montague, E. A., 164 Montague, F. A., 164 Montgomery, J., I65. PI. 22 Morgan, J. H., 91 Morgan, V. E., 163. Pl. 112 Morgan, W. J.. 177 Morris, W., 64 Morton, J. W., 46,47 Mosclcy Harriers, t6g Mostyn, R. V., 184, 309 Mountain, E. D., 68 Mucks, A. M., 283 Mudin, I., 327 Muggeridg , A. T., 99 ~urphy, fichael, 41, 63, 124, 136, 2II Mussabini, S. A., 47, 48, 49, 52, 54. 7I, SJ, 86, 87, 124 142, 143. IBJ, 276, 277, 347 Myers, L. E., 57, 58, 59, 63, 177 ~yron, 278, 279 Myrra, ]., 257, 258, 259, 265, 268, 26g, 275· Pl. 38, 40 " Nagawwa, V., 234 Nambu, 222, 225. Pl. IJ Nambu, Chuhei, sx. Pl. 30 National Cross-Countxy Cham· pionships, 169 N cton Guild, 4, 7 Nelson, Alec, 124, I4I, I42, 211 Neumann, 72 Newbum, W. J. M., 205 News of the World, 129, 306 . Newton, A. F. H., 127 ; h1s records, 129-130, 350; training methods, 131. Pl. 12 New York A.C., 24, 25 ; Relay Team, I06 Nicholas, T. L., 41 Nicholson, J. P., 135 Nicholson, Tom, 302 303, 306, ~os, 312, 315. Pl. 54, ss Nilttymaa, V., 284 Niklander, E., 283, 284, 327, 329, Ni~~~n, E., 329 Nishida, A. S., 234 Nokes, 1:. C., 286, 306 307, 308, 309. JII, JI2, 316. Pl. 45. 54. 57 Northern Counties A.A., I6 Northern Gam , t, 2r, 253 Norton, J. K., 154, r6o Nurmi, Paavo, 3, 5, 34, 35, 62, 79, 84, ss. 86, 88, 89, 94. 99. IOI, I02, 104, 105, 120, r62, r63, I7J, 318, ~45, 346, 347, 348, 350; his distance records, too. Pl. II, 23 Oberst, E. B., 258 O'Callaghan, DI., 298, 307, 308 O'Connor, P.J ., 206,215,219,225. Pl. 29, 30 Oda, M., 22I, 222, 223, 225. Pl. JI Odde, J., 22I Odclie, B. C. V., 99· Pl. I2 Odr.ssey, the, 278 Ogilvie, P. B. B., 235 Ohsawa, ShigenoriJ 51 Okita, Yoshio. P,. 4 Old Marston Ground, I86 Oler, Wesley, 190 Oliver, H. L, r6g Olsen, C. 0., IJ2 Olympic Games, r, 21 ; revival of, 25 ; Congr at Paris, 1894, 26 ; first modem Games, 26, 27 ; 2nd Olympiad, Paris, 1904, 27 ; Jrd Olympiad, St. Louis, U.S.A., I904, 27 ; no British team sent, 94 ; Intercalated Games, 1906, 27 ; 4th Olym– piad, London, Igo8, 28; 5th Olympiad, Stockholm, I912, 28 ; 6th Olympiad, 28 ; 7th Olympiad, Antwerp,. 192~ ~8 31, 34; 8th Olymptad, Yans, I924, 31, 34; 9th Olympiad, Amsterdam, 1928, 31, 34, 3S ; d cription of Boo Metres Race, 73. 74 Oriel College, Oxford, 9 Orton,G. W., 162 Osbom, H. L, 57, 192, I93, 197, 198, I9!), 202. Pl. 24- 0wen,, 97
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