Athletics of To-Day 1929
Owen, J., (Jnr.), 41 Oxford and Cambridge Cross– Country Race, 171 O.dord and Cambridge Relay Meeting, no Oxford and Cambridge Sports, foundation of, 2, 9 ; first meet– ing, 12, 14, 15, 42 ; half-mile first included, 6S Oxford Conference, delegates at the, 17, 1S Oxford University, S; University Sports instituted, 9, xo, 17, 24 Paddock, Cbas. W., 4S, 49, so, 53, 54· Pi. s, 7 Parker, C. L., xSo Partridge, L. F., I4I Passeman, 190 Patching, G. H., 42 Paull, W. C., 79 Paulus, E., 285, 2S6 Pavesi, D., 1So Pavlov, 353 P yne, H., 102, ur, I22. Pl. 15 Peachem, 298 Pearman, J. B., xSo Pearse, C., 93, 94 Pedestrians, training and diet of, 5 Pedestriarusm, beginrung of, 3 ; book on, 5 ; wagers and stakes, x, 5 ; palmy days of, 6, 176 Felling, .E. H., 40. Pt. 1 Peltonen, V., 256 25S Peltzer Otto, oo, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75. Pl. 7, 9 Pembroke Coil ge, 9 Pendlebury, J. D. S., 141, 1S6 Pennsylvania, ruven.1ty of, zo ; Relay Meet, xoo, 107, uo Pentath.lon,anci nt Olympic, 3S; at Penn. Hclay , 107 P ntilla, E., :z6o, 269, 273. Pl. H Pepys' D~ary, 3 Petersen, H., 232 Peters n, ., 11lo Pettersoo, W., 2oS, 232 Pett.:rsson,Sv o, 137, 13S, 154,155 Pheidipp1des, us, u6 Philhps, Dr., 38, 39 Ph1llips, P. R. O'R., 140 Philli , W. P., 44, 45, 5S P1ckard, V., 233, 234, 235, 242 Pll.k.lllgton, . ., 132 P1row, 0., 255 Plaw, A. D., 301, 310 Plaza, M., 121, 123 Poggioli, A., 307, 30S Polytechruc H rriers, uo, 120 ope, A., 284 Porhol , V., 32S, 329, 330. Pl. 61 Pores, C., 102 ort .Meadow, Sports at, 8 Porntt, A. E., 42, SI Porter, H. F., 153, rS9 Powell, V. B. V., 215, :u6. Pl. zS Powell, Foster, 126, 176 Powell, Kenneth, 133, 134, I4o, I.p, 14S Price, 117, 123 Price, W., xo, 11 Pridie, K. H., zS6, 333, 33S. Pl. 46, 6o Prince and Prin of Wales, zS Index Princeton, University of, 20 Prinstein, M., 205, 219 ProsJ?CCt Harriers, 175 Provmcial Universities, 31 Pryor, W., 227 l'seudonyms, 6, 19 Public Schools Championships, 29 ; Challenge Cups, 30 ; new Pue;li~ts S~~is 192 t~J~-Country Race, 29, 30 Public Schools Relay meet, 30 Puritans, Sport under, 2 Purje, E., S9, 100 Queen's Club, 24, xoS, 141 Quinn, P ., 2S4, 2S5. Pl. I4 Raby, J. W., 17S Rainio, V. J., 221 Ranelagh Cup, 175 Ranelagh Harriers, 175 Rangeley, W., 49 Rasmussen, G., xSo Ratclille, F., 229 Ray, joie, 79 1 86, 101 1 102 1 103, 122, 123. Pl. I Ray, T., 229, 230 Reay, J. H. A., 7, 16 Reber, C. F., 205 Records, unreliable 2 Rector, J. A., 47 Reidpath, . D., 59, 6o, 62, 63 Revans, R. W., :zoS, 215, 217. Pl. zS Richards, Alva, 192 Ridley, J. H., +J, 56, 64 Rinkel, J. W. ]., 51. Pl. 4, 7, 14 Ritola,Willie, 34, 35, 99, xoo, 102, 163, 173, 174. Pl. 23 Roberts, L. F., 194 N.obins, ]., 175 Rosenfeld, F., 107 Rose, N.., 255, z6g, 325, 326, 327, 329, 331, 341. Pl. 59 Ro · , G., 323 Ro , H.. L., 179 Ross, J. A., 333 Rothcrt, 11. l'., 332 Roupcll, J. H. 1., 185 Rowden, G. W., xS7 Royal Military Academy, Wool– wich, 7 Royal Military Coil ge, Sand– hurst, Sports at, 6, 7 udd, B. G. D., 59, 64, 10S, no, 104 Rugby School, 7 1 10 1 167, 16S Running footmen, 3, x:z6 Ru ell, G., 8 Russell, H. A., 39, 41 Ryan, J. M., 25, 1&8, 1S9 Ryan, Pat, 305, 309 Rydberg, 244. Pl. 36 Rye, Walter, xo, u, 17, xS, 168, 177· Pl. I Saaristo, J. J., 255, 256, 258, :zo8. Pl. 40 Sandow, 303 Sanders, J., 127 Sapt, w., 22 Saul, King, 253 Scandinavia, 21 Schofield, S. C. A., 179 Schools Athletic Association 30 Schools Athletic League of New York, 29 Schools, Sports at, 9 Schlokat. B., 259, 265, 275. PI. 39 Schwab, A., 18o Schwarze, H., 331 Scientific Exp riments, 39, 40, 42, 202, 203 1 209 1 210 1 212 1 213, 224, 240, 241, 2-4-2, 273. 274. 294,, 295, 309, 3IO, 315, 342 1 353 Scott, 8 Scott, J., 92 Scott, L. S., 230 Scott, Sir Waiter, 321 Scott, w., g8 Seagrove, W. R., 83, 99, 164 Scdburgh, I68 Servic Athletics, 33 Services Inter-Unit Team Cham- pionships, 108 Seward, G., 19 Sewell, A N., 173 Sbanallan, D., 220, 222 Shea, F. J., 59 Shearman, J., 43, 44 Shcarman, Sir Montague, I6, 17, x!l, 43, 44, x!lo, 333· PI. Front1 pi ce Sh pherd's Bush Stadium, 28, u6 Sh ppard, Melvin, 6o, 62, 70 Shcridan, M., 279, 28o, 281, 324. Pl. ~5 Sberrill, C. H., 41 Sherring, W. J., 96 Shrewsbury, 7; steeplechase, 167, roll Shrubb, A., 8Il 94. 95. 96, 102, 119, 170. P . I2 Silfverstrand, C. PJ. 52 Silhouette, D. de, 258 Siikaniemi, W., 256 Simmons, H. A., 153, 193, 194, 195, 200, 202, 203. PI. 25, 27 Simpson, J. 64, 208 Simpson, R. I., 151 Simpson, R., 135, 136, 1-43 Sinclaii, A. W., 127 SkOeld, O:t. 307, 308 1 ck, D. lz., 221 Slade, W., 92, 101 Sloane, Wm. M., 26 Smith, E., 107 Smith, H., 235 SmJth, s. P., I77 Smitbson, Forr t, I35, 140 Snook, W., 79, 93, xoz, 170 !::iockalen , A., II9 Soderstrom, B., 231. Pl. 32 Somody, Dr., 153, 189 South London Harriers, x6g Southwell, M., 8 Spartan Harr1ers, 169 Spcarow, A. R., 234 Spencer, E., 100 !:)penccr, F. J ., 94. 95 Spicer, ro Sprinting, English action, 52, 53 Amen n type, 53 Sportarticl , M , 256
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