Athletics of To-Day 1929

Athletics of To-day Sporlit~g Gautte, 151 Sporlitlg Life Trophy, 120 Sports, suppressed by Puritans, 2 ; at fairs and wakes, 4; early forms of, 2, 4 ; prizes at early meetings, 4 Squires, J. A., 128, 130 St. Albans, 9 St. John's College, Camb., 9 Stallard, H. B., 64, 83, 84, 98, IIO. Pl. II Stamford Bridge Ground, 16, 23, 28, 33. 107, 109, I4I Starr, R. S., 71, 73 Statius, 278 Stenning, P. H., 169 Steinbrenner, G., 284, 285 Stenerud, H., 286 Stenroos, Albin, 34, 102, 121, 123, Pl. IS Stevenson, W. E., 59 Stock Exchange, 92, 95 Stones, E. L., 229, 230 Stracban, E. A., 229 Stracban, H. W., 229 Strobins, G., II9 Studenroth, 174 Sturg , W. ]., 178 Sturdy, F. H., 244, 249. Pl. 37 Sullivan, J. E., 280, 345 Sumiyosbo, K. Pl. 44 Sunde, 0., 259, 26o Sutherland, E. G., 259 Svanberg, J. F., 97 Svenson, A., 132 Svensson, M., 306 Sweden, 21 ; Sports Associations of, 22 ; Championship founded 253 Swedish Schoolboys' Athletic Week, 29 Sweeney, L F., 25, 187, 188, 189, 190 ; tyle of h1gh jumping, I88, 196, 199 Sz pes, l3 la, 259, 26o, 264. Pl. 39. 44 Taber, N. S., 82 Ta~ltin Gam , I, 21, 253,298,321 Trupal , A. R., 283, 284, 21S5 Talbot, D. L. J ., 302 Tamm r, E., 329 Tat.bam, W. S., 71, 72, 73, IIO Taylor, A. R., 72 Taylor, F. M., 106, 153, 155 Tchitcherin , F. W., 64 Teato, u6 T nn nt, W. M., 43, 56 TeUow, 6 Thames Handicap St pl base, 168 Thames Hare and Hounds, 17, x68, 16g Thames Rowing Club, 168 Thebais, 278 Thom, Waiter, s, I76 Thomas, lvor, 171 Thomas, Sid, 93, g6 Thomson, Earl, 132, 136, 137, 14i, 148. Pl. 16, 19 Thornton, P. M., 68 Thornton, G. R., 298 Three llight Angles Theory, 135 Tindall, H. C. L, 59 Tiren, L. E., 235 Tisdall, R. M. ., 140, 328, 3321 Tom Brown's Schooldays, 168, 169 Tootell, F. D., 307, 308 Torpo, K. J ., 329 Toulikoura, 222 Town end, H. S. Pl. 10 Track and Field, 143 Training and diet of Pedestrians, 5; of Amateurs, 11 Training- for sprints, 54, SS ; for quarter-roil , 66, 67 ; for half-mil , 76, 77 ; for mile, 102, 103, 104, 105 ; Relay Teams, uo-u4 ; Marathon, 124, 125 ; J. E. Fowler-Di.xon's method, 128; Hurdles, 149-150; le pie– chase, 166 ; Cross-Country, 172 ; Long Jump, 216; Hop, Step and Jump, 225 ; Pole Vault, 252; Javelin, 276; Hammer, 318-320 ; Shot, 340 Trem er, L. F. (" Jimmy "), 47, 153 Tripplin, E, C., 43, 44, 46 Trossbach, 137 Tuulos, V., 221, 222 Turner, G., 196 U bl r, W., 331, 332 lv rston Cri ket Club, 228 lysses, 278 nitcd tat , A.A.U. of, l!J pcher, H. K., 133 Van G yzel, C. T., I93, 194, 196 Venn, 11., 177 ictoria, Qu n, 30 ictory Cup M ting, 108 Vilen, E., 154, 155 Viljoen, 138 Voigt, Emil, 97 Waddell, J. and W, 16, I7, I8 \ adham Collcg , Oxford, 9 Wadmor , J. F.,1 95 Wad ley, R. \i ., 47 Wablst dt, A. 1., 323, 331, 332 Wakcman, . H., I32 Walker, Donald, 6, 184, 209 Walker, R. E., 28, 46, 47, 48, 209 Wallac , J. P., 328 \i alsb, on., 30I, 302 Warburton, "Choppy," 92 Ward, 204 Ward, B n, I36 Warp riod, 28, 29, 30, 3I War , ]. H., 325 Washington, G o., I8 Was d University, 31, 51, 234 Watson, Ray, 73 Webb, Col. G. righton, 19 Webb, E. J., I78, 179 Watson, R., 229 Webster, F. A. M. Pl. 40, 46, 48, 49 . Webstcr, F. R., 148, 235. Pl. 20, 34 W bst r, H., I77, I78 Webster, Joan, 235. Pl. 37 Webster, J. E., 99, 163, 165. PI. 22 Webstcr, P ggy, 235. Pl. 37 Webst r, R. .E., 78, gz, 161, 16g Weetwood, 141 \\'efers, B. J., 40, 42, 106 Weightman- mith, G. C. 136, 137, 138, 139, 148, 152, 259. Pl. 20 \\ lton, u8 \\ nd ll, J. I., 151 Western Roll, 188, 191, 192, 196, 197, 198, zoo, 354· PI. 24 Westing, F., 45 West London ricket Ground, 1 I West London Rowing Club, xo, II Westminst School, xo Wharton, A., 45 Wh !er, J., 227 Whitaker, B. ., 64 Wicbmann, 49 Wide, .Edvin, Ss, 94, 99, zoo, 102, 173. 174 Willers, C. E., 93, 94 Williams, P., 35, 49 \\illi ms, E. W., 187 Willis, A. G. deL., 194 Willoughby, ll. L., 205 Wilson, H., 137 Win h · t r chool, xo \\ ir1d or Ca U , n6 \\ int r, A. W., 34, 221, 222 Wmtbro , W. ., 324 Wiriath, R., 72 Wi e, 13. R., 17, 18, 79, 92, 93 isconsin, 107 \ om n's Athl ti , 4, 34 Woodburn, E., 228 Woodcy, 229 Wood, 123 Wood, C. ., 45, 46 Wood , r. R. ., 322, 326, 328, 329, 337· Pl. 58, 6o, 61 \\ore t ·r oil g , Oxford, 9 ·wormwood crul.Jbs, n8 Wright, 1. S., 230 Wyatt, H., 8, 9 \>\ykoli, Frank, <19· PI. 14 Wynn-l•inch, ·. 151 Yale, Univ rsity of, 20, 24 amada, K., 122, 123, 126 York, Duke of, 30 oung, 11. ., 235 YrjOJ , J., 57, 193 Z llhagen, 0., 283, 284, 291. Pl. zti~, P. G., 152 Printed at the BURLEIGH PRESS, Lewin's Mead, BRISTOL.