Athletics of To-Day 1929
Athletics of To-day Special mention must, I think, be made of E. H. Felling, L.A.C. (No. 3, Plate r), who won the Championship of r88g in rof secs. A tall, fine athlete, he was in many respects a cross between Trepplin and Wood. Not quite so good as the former at a roo, and not, like the latter, capable of holding top speed at 440 yards, he yet found his best form at the odd distance of zso yard , which he covered in 24 secs. at Stamford Bridge on September zznd, r888. Many sprinters have since attempted to surpass that record, but no one has succeeded as yet in even equalling it. The beginning of the twentieth century brought to light the great A. F. Duffey, G org town University. In America he was up against Alva Kraenzlcin and Jv1axey Long and never won either a national or inter-coil giate title, but in England he was unb aten from rgoo to 1903 and returned even time for each of his wins. Duffey was a tr mendously fast starter, and an amusing story is told of one exp ri ne with a orth ountry starter, who is said to have utter d a warning as he stood behind Duffey's curved latt rend. <t itha, Duff y, lad," said th official, ''Ah've brought shot gun for t' startin'. Ah've blank i't fir t barr 1 an't shot i't s cond. Tha canst guess where tha'l't get shot if tha tries any flyers." J. W. Morton, South London Harri r , succ eded Duffey in the sprint championship and with M. Chapman, ' inchley Harriers, was our big hop for the lympic r o m tr s, rgo8. In rgoz th zzo yards wa at last ad ed to th A. .A. hampion hip programm , and 11orton and ]. P. orge, S.L.H., who had won th furl ng title, 1907, in zz s cs., w re fanci d for zoo metres h nour in rgo8. Morton, howev r, had lost his form, and orge wa <t favouring a 1 g." At hepherd's u h, th Empir produc a couple of surpris s. . E. \Valker, nin t n y ars f ag , who stood 5 ft. 7 in . and weighed 9 tone 4 lb., was not among the original outh Africans 1 ctions, but was s nt v r from Natal for the A.A.A. hampionships. H had won the outh African roo yards of 1907 in ro secs., but was beaten in rgo8 by E. J.
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