Athletics of To-Day 1929
The Sprints- I oo to 3oo Yards 49 yards Lotinga Challenge Cup from the 31! yards mark at the age of ten and a half in 1910, and repeated his victory in the following year from the 17! yards mark. In 1918 he represented Repton at the Public Schools Championships and won the roo yards in rr secs. At Cambridge he won the roo yards four times again t Oxford, doing ro secs. twice, and also the A.A.A. roo yards in 9 1 9 rf secs. in 1924. That year, r alizing that his style, and especially his finishing needed improvement, he spent many months training under Mussabini, who invented a sp cial dip finish for him, and at Paris he took the Olympic roo metres, r turning ro! secs. to equal Olympic record in the second round, s mi-final, and final. or the 1928 Games, America had still Paddock and in addition Ch st r Bowman, credited with 9i s cs. for roo metres, and Roland Locke, said to have won a furlong in zoi s cs. Our hope was that J. E. London and W. Rangeley would rise to the occasion. outh Africa had as cond Reggie Walk r in W. . Legg, who won the A.A.A. "roo" in 9 1 9 s cs., and rmany pos essed some amazing ~~ fly rs." But only a few P ople had ever h ard of the ninete n-y ars-old anadian eh olboy, ercy Williams, who was to make history by winning the r o m tr sin ro! s cs. from J. . London, and th zoo m tr sin zrt secs. from W. Rang 1 y. rank Wykoff, an Am rican schoolboy, and th rmans, orts, Houben, Kornig, and \Vichmann, and L gg, the outh African, all much fancied, s med to lo their form. \V come now to the t chnique and training, wh r by the gr at champions who have been mention d ha e gain d th ir victori s. Th Crouch Start, to~ hich ref r ne ha alr ady b n mad , provid s th b t po ition of readin and the quick t m thod of tarting so far di cov r d. It corn ri h p sitions : the first which is a sum d \ h n th start r giv th caution '' t to your marks," and the ond wh n h ord r th athl te to" et t." Th following simpl di gram ( ~ig. r), tudi d in conjunction with No. r, 1 te 5, should make th ~~ n the Mark" po ition quite plain to the read r. E
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