Athletics of To-Day 1929
Athletics of To-day taking the first stride out of the holes is shown in No. I, Plate 7, H. Kornig, of Germany. After the start there are two permissible styles for the athlete to adopt. He may either adopt the English method, invented by Mussabini and shown in No. I, Plate 6, or he may adopt the American form as seen in No. 4, Plate 7· The Mussabini, or new English action, is based on the conception and practice of a man making the fullest use of his shoulders to tt shrug" himself along. The action can best be learned by F holding a short length of wood in the hands, which are turned with the palms towards the body (see Fig. 4). The arms swing across the pit of th stomach, andthe abdominal muscles rapidly accustom them– selves to assisting the pull and thrust of the arms. Th loose swing Y is greatly aid d by the AB repr nts body at ~~ 0 ;Jgle of approximately 37° in tt shrug" Or hitching Up fir t stride out of hol . A rcpr ts body at an angl f th h uld tl of appro imately 47° in cond stride out of bol s. 0 0 ers, lere AD represents body at an an le of approximately 61° in b · l'ft th third and fifth stride out of holes. A E repr sents body 1ng a 1 a e arm at an angl of approximately 68° in finishing final 25 to swing left and a lift as 30 yard of race. A F r presents body at an angl of approx:im t ly 75°, which i th perfect printing angle th arm swing right. for the distance between the initial 30 yard and the final 25 yards of IOO yards r ce. Thi shrug i \ 11 shown by Appl g rth in o. I, late 6. The combined movem nts of the upp r body help to lift the 1 g and light n the effort. In thi tyle the feet kim clos to th ground and land very lightly w 11 up on th to s. Wh n practising with the stick in your hand ( e Fig. 4) try running t n to tw nty yard as fast as you can with the short t p ible step . Th n the pac and op n out your striding for tw nty yard ; alt rnate in thi way fr m IO to 2 o yards. The ea y action of a tt Mussabini sprinter" is seen also in No. 2, Plate 6, H. . V. Ed\ ards, and o. 3,
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