Athletics of To-Day 1929
The Event Sui Generis-440 Yards 61 zenith of his fame . In that month he established the present world's record of 47i secs. for 440 yards, and the previous 88o yards record of r min. 52! secs., now broken by Peltzer and Lloyd Hahn. In the A.A.U. championships of 1915, incident– ally, Meredith returned 47 secs. dead for the quarter mile, but the record was disallowed on account of the high wind. I remember seeing him run again in one of the American relay teams at Antwerp in 1920, but at 28 years of age he was past his prime. Of Eric Liddell's great record breaking 400 metres race at Paris in 1924 all too little has been heard, for this unassuming Scot neither wrote about his own achievements in the Press nor encouraged other people to boom him. evertheless, Liddell's brief, meteoric athletic care r v as as brilliant as that of any runner the world has yet produced. Frmn 1921 to 1925 h h ld the cottish roo and 22 yards titles, besid s winning hi national quarter in 1924 and rg25. In 1923 h came South and won the A.A.A. roo yards in the still un quailed champion- hip time of 9 1 7 -rr ecs., and the 220 yards in 21! ecs., and in the following year took the 440 yards in 49! ec . At ri a In nth lat r he would not comp te in the roo metr s, since the h ats were run on a unday; in th 200 m tr s he finished third. It was to repr sent reat ritain in the 400 m tres, how ver, that h join dour lympic t am, nd sur ly n Inan ver serv d hi country b tt r. I would go so far, in f et, a to s y that Lidd ll's amazing victory was the utstanding f ature of the ames. His fir t love in sport wa , without doubt, ugby football, at which game he was u apped " for cotland ight tim in 1922 and 1923, and it mu t h ve r quir a goo d al of det nninati n up n hi part t f rg the Pugby s a on of 1923-24 in or r t prepare him lf f r the Gan1 . s a runn r he w s almo t entir ly without tyl , and hi ction was perhaps the wor t di played by any first cla s athl t since th d ys of olb ck; but he wa alway li n-hearted, tr 1n n - ou ly d termined, and blessed with a mo t amazing turn of sp d. The happenings in the 400 metres t aris will not be soon
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