Athletics of To-Day 1929

PL. 7= THE SPHI.:-\TS \~D QUAH.TER-:.\IILE. D.S.I•. mul Spurt a111i t;{',(/1.· [E 1·, 1 1 H. Kornig, Germany, showing correct body angle first stride in sprint di::.tanccs. ':!. ]. \\·. ]. H.inkel, Great Britain, beating 0. Peltzer, Germany, in the 4~0 yards. 3· Eric Liddell, Great Britain, \\"orld's ReLor<l holder 400 metres, beating T. :\Iatthewman in the furlong. ·1· C. Paddock, l. S.A. (in white), sh0\'1-'ing American sprint action.