Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETICS hand a foot and a half elo · it wi h an o ·er-grip. tart towards the jump at full s ee wi h the lower end of the ole rai e from the ground take off ·i h he o e about a foot and a half from he jum . pring from the ground and rai e your leg forward and up 1.·ards o,·er the bar. \ 'hen you feel that ·ou are o ·er le go the ole and drop on the other side of the bar ·ith your ack to it. In dropping from so reat a height it is necessary that all the muscles and l·nee joints especially should be allowed to gi,·e that the shock may be les ened. If the knees are held stiff he o : will be se\"erely haken. \\''hen a <100 s yle has een a tained l e r c.·t thin(T i to learn t climb the pole , •h ·1 in mid-air. \\'ith ra ice it will come qui e natural to a cmp to raise one– self if one see that one i not high nough to clear tl e bar. The im– J ortant points t a tend to are to art uickl · carry the pole prop rly rise at he right momen let ao he pole and drop with the le' t ossible hock. The an all be oh ained by rcful I actice. In selt.:ct°n"' a olc a ood one hou e chosen. If i break •hile one i u mid-air ther i a dancrer of he jum ·r falling b~ck u on t e lo\' r p r. 96
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