Athletics of To-Day by Graham

THLETICS first trial shall be allowed three more trie cac for the final. The farthest jump of the six i:hall w·n . If any competitor fall back, or ep back, after jumping, or cro ses the take-off line wi h ci her foot, or so swerves aside tha hi! pa beyond the taking-off line, uch jump hall no be measured, but it ~hall be coun d agains. e competitor as one jump. All jump shall be measur to the la ·ing-off line from the edge to the heel mark neare h line along a line rpenclicular to that lin . That the taking-off line hall be \ · few years ago he sprinter ure and simple \\as the Ion" jumper. T he grea er speed he a ained in coming up to the scratch the farther he jum ed. ince then the science has impro ·ed into a most delica e ar . ·n il I ~4, although the champion nearly al ·a ·s came from he · ni ·ersities no one reached 22 feet in the In er- ·ar i y por s. On tha occasion E. J. Da ;e::, made a great reputa ion y clearin nearly 23 feet. Da ·ies had a me turn £ s ecd, , ·inning the roo ya ·ds at the same meeting in 10 min. 1 and subsequently claimin,., cham honour . Sc •er. l fine long jm came from the