Athletics of To-Day by Graham

JU.!PL 'G Canta \; . G. Elliot \\·ho cleared :2- feet IO:... inches. J. L. Greig \ ·as , the 1rst o study jumping as a fine art a art from sprinting and it wa with the help of rcig's methods and his own natural strength and pace t hat . Fry created a s n ation in the athletic world y clearing -3 fc t 6~ inches. ry raised the general standard of jumpin and now at any ig mec ing in n land and America there is enerally some one if not more than one , ·ho can r ach 22 feet. \\ . J. . I. ·ew urn of Du lin, was the fir t Engli hman to re eh -4 fee and in merica there has cen a k en com- e i ion for the worlds record betw en . f. Prinstein Syracuse niversi y and the ·oung Pennsylvanian A. C. Kraenz– lein. Both are "'OO on their day for 24 feet. 0 the\·ersity jumper G. C. \ a ~au is rcmarka le for havin vice:- 1 ng jumper 11ascilur 11011 r an impro\'c by practice __ _ feet. cyond that I n, jumping b rins. The old n rule for Ion jumpin re- 9