Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS ' r. Run your hardest. • 2. Jump high. ' 3. Tuck your knees we up to your chin. 4. As you drop s oot the legs · 11 out. It is well to discuss hese rules separa el}. ' Run ltard.-The jum er should r m a top s eed right up to he take-off without the slightest halt or hesitation at any point. To avoid hesitation it is necessary to e in erfect condi ion and to have ractised consis ently. \ !hen a jum er is fit he will e able to run down the track time after time utting his feet on identically the same marks just as a good hurdler vill do over a hurdle cour e. If he e no in good condition his stride ,·ill ·ar,· each time and he ,·ill be sure to he~ita at some point and at Jong jum in without doubt he ·ho he itates is lo t. 11 efore (foing near the jump i is well to get the mu de fit y frequ n sprints, and occasionally it is good to run through a lap. Jumping practice can l e cgun af er a out ten day ' or a for ni h ha d , •ork, , ·hen he stride a egun o settle do ,·n to its rop r lenath. Ones fr t aim is to ma ·e ure o ri i a a JOO