Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLETICS stride varying. By constantly ha ·ing t look dO\ ·n the pace is necessarily decreased, the stride hortened. · The eye ough to be fixed at the point at which one i jumping, , nd the \ ·hole attention concentra ed on t e final effort. Aft r rac ice one can be qui e sure of landi g on the ame marks and ·hilst running u they are all s~en without actually looking do ·n , them. The hite tak -off and he card to jump at are bound to ea eh he eye, as is he d ·stance-mark if scra ched on he course wi h the s ikes of he shoe. To sum up : Run at op spee . .\t the distance-mark collect ) our elf for a still greater e fort. bo ·e all-r · ·r look down. Rise lti'glz.-The ob:>ervance of this rule sho · the natur I high jum er. The sprinter may co •er his __ eet bu ·ill skim the grou . The born jumJ er ·ill ri e in the air a d corn lete jum in , graceful cur ·c r chi oint s f et 1 igh a the of rom h l C bo 10
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