Athletics of To-Day by Graham

JUdPI.'G ing the jumper straight into the air but shortens his s ride as he approaches the t ·e.o ; i also slightly shorten the jump. Her a short time it ·ill be fou d th t these expedients are no longer nece sary and the jumper , ·ill r· e ell in the ._ ir ·ithout e ort. Tuck your k11ees well up.-This rule h more or less to e. plain i elf. The ide c n e b t obtained by study in ins nt neous holographs, of , ·bich 1e srs. Gilman O.·ford and earn, C mbridgc h ·e a great many copies. t the t ·e-off the front leg is is to a considerable height ; the hind leg i gra u Uy rought up level , ·ith it, un il t he high t point they re do e oc1e her ·ith the knee right up l the chin. If the knee~ • re ot up, it ·ill l found impossible to shoot the leg· out and you\ ill thus ail t s cur the c.· r. t \'O or hrce foe • dde by his rocc of- ' h oling the I g out iii fro11t.-Tl is and the hird rule are \'O other fe. turcs h di ti t e ju er m de and the t ' • re i epara le. Each i im os i le , ilh– ou the o her an the latter will al \·ay a d foot or t · to ny jump. It i U1e 1 st. ction of the jump • nd at the end £ it the jump r hat 11 hnd in a very rly sit ing po ition. If i i o ·1.: - 103