Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS done he ,vill sit right do ~·n, bu the impetus is generally sufficient to carry the body for ,·ard in o an u right position. These are the main fcatur o which a long-jumper should ay at en– tion ; numerous o her small difficul ie prese t themselves in the cour of ractice, but he number is consider– a ly lessened if he i careful to ge into good condition \'ith his mu cle fit, by hard practice Uust as if he s.·ere training for a sprint) on the trac · ef ro going near the long jump. It must e orne in mind tha in ac ual comr e ·- tion the excitement and con ciousnes of the necessity of m ·ing a grea er e fort is apt to lengthen the ride an cons uenUy he i likely to o err eh the mark ; this may ob ·ia e s rting a fe · inche f rther ac · u in tbi case the jumper mu feel cer– tain that hi:, stride \ ·ill e longer than in practice : as a matter of fac if he i in good con ition, the eyes a d le vill be working in r ect uni on nd he , •ill e able to make a slights ·c ·e vi hout clecre· in hi p cc, and ensure t~ kin o f fro th · ho r . Thi