Athletics of To-Day by Graham

I MODERN ATHLETICS THE ast ccn ury has een a remark– a le one. It has witnc sed the birth of m ny a science of many an art · it has , ·atched them de elop and change out of all recogni ion. To tho e who h. ·e advanced side y ide , ·ith these changes they ha, e ut seemed gradual an in accord. nee with the order of things. To those , ·110 stood at St m– for ride1e, ·atching last yca1 's 1900 \. . . Ch. mpionship meeting, it wa hard to realise th, each magni 1ccnt pcrforma ce \' s the outcome of year, of • i ·nt hought and practice ; of . crience handed dO\: 1 11 from genera- tion t gcncr. tion. h. t , ny on~ of he feats of kill and cnclur. nee th. t 't:W , atche , s a matter of ·oul ha ·c in tlw beginning of tury rendered an athletic me<.! - ing a r markable one and that in each c t not only tlw , inner ut Sc\'cral U r · re sily be ting imcs th. t 7