Athletics of To-Day by Graham
:\THLETICS Club or Oxford . Stamford Bridge 1s also not a fast track. The same ma can often do a foot more at Qu ·en s Club tha at the o her . t ueen's Club there is a l r c exca ·a ion b t ·e n the • ·e-o f' a the it. It is rather baulkinCT and ii a man misses his stride and goes in o it he is li ble to an acciden . It ho ·– e ·er is a gr at con enience to ha ·e a pit at each end of tl e trac · so h t the direction of jumping an be al ere to suit the ·ind. \ .,.atts, the groundman at Fenner s has in ·ented a mix ure of oil and cla .: \ ·hich is kept a s ate secret. I gi ·c~ a splendid clean cut i hou er m Jc a d gr a ly simplific the t k of me ure– rncnt. I i \ ·eJl not to tumble into i · •hen v aring clean garments. 06
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