Athletics of To-Day by Graham
H .ROLE RAC!. 'G than t ·ice a week. Tho rrh neatness o ·er he hurdle is an all-im ortant oint it is pace on the at tha really \·ins the race. tarting and sprintin should le as iduously practised. On the day dore the race no hurdling should e d one · one or two sprints will e found quite su 1cient. Just efore the race it i good to loosen the lim s m·er the 1r two or hre hurdle . In prac i it is a goo thin to run ah •ays wi h a com a ion especially if he e the fas er. rea care m st e t. ken ne\·er t ge slo enly ut to al ~ays run the fe ~ hurdles aJ·en in ractice a if ne was running in a most important race. .; Ir. . C. Kraenzlein Pennsylvania ~ ni ·c ity i the fastest hurdler at l re ent. He i as 1 ndidl de\•elo1 ed a hie e, ~;i h very liable join s. \ hen he runs he l ·ans well fon ·ard and sec ns t ody at all at the am IIT
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