Athletics of To-Day by Graham

~THLETICS I. LO. ·oo~ . Ielropoli an Clu s, an has produced such s lcnc i erformances, that it , ·oul e a thousand pities if it were disco.1tinue . The medinrr is con uc e in the true::, amateur spirit. The prizes small gold shield for the, ·atchchain thourrh £ no mane ary value, are held of the highes a,.• rd and among the ni,·cr– sity men second only to he medal for \·inning in the Inter-University sports. The way they are coveted is no small compliment to the rowess of he . fetropolitan runners. The match is al :rays a close one each team having von nearly he same num er of times, hounh it must be remembere the L ndon men have great di ficultics o conten aoainst in their 1 epara ion. fost of them are engage in faliguin u ie several miles from the running round. It enerally mean a journey there and back upon he •ndergrouncl Rail va •. TheStamfor BridgeGround of er splendi ractical adYan gc , bu sc re Iy Wt;ar an air of luxury and warmth on a cold , ·et Fcbru ry vcn– ing, and m. ny of he learn canno t re un il chr ·n s ha clo eel in. thi m · a match vilh a luh wh II H