Athletics of To-Day by Graham
, THLE,TIC then, ·ere regarded as almos t e l'mi of human endurance. It has aken ·o nations to uild up m_odern a hle ics as , ·e unders nd them. t a good English meetin" the running is sure to e firs cla s and an American meeting is especially remark– a le for an all-round e.•celle ce in the field e ·e ts. Such a combi a ion as is sho ~n when the t\ ·o r ces meet is \ •bat may be held to e n id al mo em athlc ic mee ing. A race bch ·een t ·o first-c ass runners has always ro ·ed an at rac– tion to all true lovers of s or the sharpened and a meeting e veen •;o well-trained teams where general e.·– ccllence is aimed at, and wb re he ar y s irit is strong and, ·ell sus ained to the last event is more o ular th n one :vhich de1 ends upon the c.·ccp– tional brilliance of one or t :o formers. "ot only does such s iri add to h leasure and c.:ci - ment of those \ ·ho are , ·a ching the erformanc s arc sure to affc tc y it. It is al ,·ay found er of men ·ho all train together 1. c object ac ui them el ' etter than when each one h hi d,
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