Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLET CS where competitors may a\ ·ait the summons o the s ar in eace of mind and \·here in the e ·ent of • second race, the~· may res . In many! in fact in most dres ing.rooms l ere i generally , s ron<1 aroma of s irit and cmbro~ tions ·hich is ar icu]a y nauseatine1 after a hard tus l reliminary heat. Only those w ha ·e had the op ortuni~y of usinr1 the club houses at the ersi ics and ~ ueen 's Club can apprecia e the lu. ·t ry of a room o \'hich you can retire, p t your feet up and \'i h the help of lial litcratur await in comfort the fi 1 race. nother luxury whic generally neglect is roi r ·, 1• n accommod ion. In coun ry mee ino they are usually ignor . In the dr ing tent a lit er of s ra \\ three or £o r t cket , and a limited snppl.: of to · i considered li e I accommod ·on. Thi idc· u on
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