Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHL TICS I. LO. 'DO • are in their year. A shield is held for the ye r by the Hospital that secures he largest n mber of e ·cnts, and party ri ·alry ~·... ·cs l·een. The sports , ·ere organis cl in 18 7, and e ~er since then be medical schools ·ho h, ·e o er sec re honours. Con i ering he grea obstacles in the way of d1:quat preparation it issurpris– ing ·1 at a hi l st ndard i k pt up, .. the folio v·ng rcco ds ·ill sho v :- . B. B. '0 y • mi . 123 rt' I 3 f • 3 in, • • f ry' I 5 ft, ry' I -- ft,