Athletics of To-Day by Graham
ATHLET CS Jordan \'1as less affected and ·as only beaten by Thos. E. Bur ·e on he os in 49 sees. ,. Iendel on in the ring cleared 22 feet si inches in the long jump but here failed to reach 20 fe t. Horan on l e other hand ms qui e unaffected and ran in the half-mile faster than he had e\·er don foreJ being only 10 •ards behind Rilpa rick in I min. 53; sees. Bradley too ran admirably in the 100 • rds eina eaten by a foo out ide 9 . Lutye s in the mile did not run up to hi oJ form falling on the rac · 150 _ ~r s from home. Ho ·e •er it is unli ·el · he would ha ·e beaten Conneff, as Conneff had comple ed the di nee in 4 mins. 15 ec . in a re ious trial. I he 220 yards dash misfor une again folio ved he Engli hmen, as o \'· ner's leg ga, e before he had co ·ered half the di tance. The hiah jum y _L F. quite h fea r ncu ral ,·a suital le a far as sides. If rl. P. Com1c 130 h Lm do 1
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