Athletics of To-Day by Graham
I. 'TER. 'ATIO••AL ATHLETIC aeon in the mile there is little doubt that he vould have been beaten y Horan in the three mil s. It would ha\·e been interesting to ha e se n he s rugale be \·een Kilpatrick and Bredin a his be t. enis Horgan that same ye. r in he championships put the sho one foot f rthcr than his countryman 7. R. ray at fanhattan and \V. J. . . I n ' had for m. ny y ars reached o~er 130 feet with the hammer. Thus thou h at firs sight it seemed that merica had far outstripped the mother ountry in C\'cry ranch of athletic if o h sides ha been fully rcpre ent d luck had fa ·oured each qually ve should ha ·c had an .·cellent chancl; of winninr1 the quar er mile, thre miles, h mmer \ ·eight and long jump. pended are th re ul t :- E\ OR • .c. v. LO. ~no. .\.C. f,\.'H. TTA. FIELD,. 'EW YORK, EPT. -I 1 I 5. 2:?0 r,1rd, C .
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