Athletics of To-Day by Graham
I. 'TER. 'ATIO.. L ATHLETICS In si.· of the e c\·cn events o h Americans cat he London men. I was not till r 9 that negotia– tions , ·ere renc, ·ed for a contest to take place tween Oxford and Cam- ridge an he two ol es American •ni ·er i ies Y. le and Harvard. The re ult \\:as a mce ing at Queen's lub on July _2nd · it ,·as decided there were t e nine ·ents he half-mile takine1 the bee of the , ·eight. The ,·i itors were fa\'Ourccl , ·ith most propitious we. thcr durine1 their stay, though the home cam suffer d somewhat from the hea . The ·ale and Harvard team
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