Athletics of To-Day by Graham

ATHLETICS average many of hem einl'T quite up to championship form. Tl e most notable performance of the d. y , ·as the hurdle race , ·on y Fox ·ho e the English champion y 3 yards i 15} sees. fas er than the: ha e ·er been run in England. The hurdle were not 1. ed so although Fo.· di not touch one, the record ·a; not assed y the The quarter , ·as a magnificent race and ·as wo y Da ·ison and he , ·in , ·as not a little due to t1 e marYellous ace made y A. • I. Hollins. In the hammer an high jump the mericans sho · d great su eriority to our Uni ·ersi y en, though Adair jumpe higher than e •er ef ore. TI at Inter- ~ar i y games do a great deal for the s ort is undc i le. order. There increase ra ing pe n hip. 13